How to buy?
- Add desired products to a cart.
- Choose delivery method.
NB! At the moment the site does not show transportation cost. We will manually calculate the most cheapest transportion cost for your order. Transportation cost is added to a PDF invoice taht will be sent to your e-mail address. - Enter your contact information.
- After your order has been sent, we will check it and contact you if needed to clarify the details.
- If everything is fine a PDF invoice will be sent to your e-mail address. Based on that you can make a bank transaction. After payment has been recieved our order will be shipped.
In case of any questions feel free to contact us: +372 5306 1223 or
Generally we send goods to Itella & Omniva parcel machines or use a courier service. Based on the contents of your order we always try to find the cheapest transportation method for you.
Majatohter uses unified pricing for parcel machines.
Size S – 3,40€
Size M – 4,50€
Size L – 5,40€