“The King of wooden facade is linseed oil paint”
Linseed oil paint is traditional protective layer for wood. It protects from sun and forms breathing film that will age beautifully.
Majatohter offers two kinds of linseed oil paints – Allbäckfrom Sweden and Uula from Finland.


Emulsioon- ehk temperavärvides on vees lahustamatu sideaine veega segunema pandud mõne teise aine ehk emulgaatori abil. Emulsioonvärvi klassikaliseks näiteks on munaõli-tempera.
Linaõli-emulsioonvärvid sobivad pindadele mis vajavad suuremat mehaanilist vastupidavust (pesemiskindlust) kui tavalised liimvärvid suudavad pakkuda, kuid kus puhas õlivärv oleks ka liialdus. Võrreldes linaõlivärviga on linaõli-emulsioonvärvid tunduvalt kiirema kuivamisajaga, neid võib peale kanda rulliga ning töövahendid saab puhtaks pesta lihtsalt veega.
Linaõli-emulsioonvärvid sobivad paljudele eri pindadele siseruumides, näiteks krohvid, puitlaudis, kipsplaat, papp jne.

Linaõli-emulsioonvärvidest pakub Majatohter Uula Sisevärve ja Allbäcki Linus seinavärvi.


Clay paint is silky matte natural paint. Clay paints are suitable for various indoor surfaces (wood, drywall, particleboard, stone, brick, plaster, concrete etc.)
Majatohter offers Ckay paint that is hand made in Kalamaja, Tallinn – based on our own recipe and UKU Clay Paint from Mooste, South-East Estonia.

Casein Paint on the walls of Padise Manor house


Casin paint is traditional, ecological, breathable glue-based paint, that is suitable for indoor walls and ceilings. Casin Paint can be used on mineral surfaces (plasters, brick), wood, particle boards, paper, carton, drywall. Painting with casein paint is enjoyable, as its natural odor is pleasant, it is fast-drying and water-soluble, tools and stains can also be washed off using water. The result is a velvety matte surface that feels nice to the touch & easy to repaint.
Majatohter’s Casein Paint is handmade in Kalamaja, Tallinn, based on our own recipe.


The use of clay plaster in interior decoration is healthy for both the wall structures of the building and the residents of the house. Clay plaster regulates humidity, is suitable for allergy sufferers. It prevents electromagnetic radiation and helps to neutralize unpleasant odors. Clay plaster is 100% natural and recyclable and has many soft and natural colors available.